Wow, it's been a while since my last post...and then that was just a bunch of pics! no updates on my life. no random rants. no bizarre-o observations. just silence. it's been a challenging season of life. nothing dramatic. i just feel as if i were being nibbled to death by minnows. feeling over-extended and under appreciated at times. lots of deep thoughts. many decisions that need to be made NOW and a few that are looming ever nearer.[*] i will share decisions as they become final and hopefully, there will be new options on the horizon. in the mean time, i'll try to do a little better about dropping a line from time to time.
i am excited about the upcoming thanksgiving break!! believe me, we ALL need it! i firmly believe that these school holidays are not so much for the students as they are for the teachers...because we may very well do permanent damage if we were forced to go without!! ;) erica, grayson, and i will be embarking on a little roadtrip to visit some of the extended family. looking forward to that!!
...and then there is that little matter of my BIRTHDAY coming up in just 6 short days!! but i'll save that post for when i have a little more energy...i am getting old, ya know, and the bedtime just keeps getting earlier and earlier!
well...i think that does it for my
i must write something post. i plan to do better!! see ya next month! haha!!