Wednesday, March 26, 2008

introducing Thomas Cooper Frey

Cooper was born around 2:00pm this afternoon to my dear friend Joni (Hanks) Frey. Cooper was originally due on March 11th, but he seems to be a laid-back guy who was in no hurry to arrive--but arrive he has! Cooper is Joni and Tommy's first child. As I thought it best not to alarm a 6-hour old infant with bright camera flashes, these pics were all taken without flash in a dim hospital they're a little blurry.

Joni and Cooper

Tommy and Cooper


Erica and Cooper

Me and Cooper

(Erica did not have the same qualms about using a flash...and Cooper didn't seem to mind!)

I think Erica pinched him or something...

I leave you with a foot! :)

I'm sure more pictures will follow in the days and weeks ahead! You know how I love taking pictures of babies!!


Sherry said...

Babies are so soft and cuddly.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting these pics! Wish I could meet the little guy in person!

Jen Moy